sara davis designs

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chapter xii: evermore

Next in my lunar faces | feminine divine series is Anahita.

Anahita was known as the Lady of the Waters and goddess of fertility, worshipped in what’s known today as Iran. At the time, it was the Persian Empire and she was one of the most revered deities of the ancient religions. She is described as a beautiful maiden, strong, tall and pure. She is depicted as wearing a mantle embroidered with gold. As her popularity spread, she picked up attributes to other goddesses of the regions she was brought to, soon becoming associated with the moon.

This is where she crossed into my research. So many of the moon goddesses also have water associations which I find to be incredibly fascinating as the moon has such strong effects on the tides.

Anahita in particular with her strong associations with purity and water led me to create this piece. Bringing forward that regal grace and giving her the pitcher of water she is so often said to be associated with. I loved creating a meteor shower type event with this background while still allowing the moon to be super prominent. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do.